Families | Community » Catholic School Council

Catholic School Council

Our St. Mary 2020/2021 Catholic School Council:

 Our Catholic School Council works with the school Administrative Team in the following areas:​

  1. Setting our School Improvement Plan Goals;
  2. Helping shape our Safe and Caring Catholic Schools Plan;
  3. Establish our Fundraising Goals for the year;
  4. Plan and Host events that strengthen the relationship between the school and home;
  5. Represent Parent Voice in Key Strategic Goals established with the school team;
  6. Informing our School Code of Conduct to make sure it is equitable and faith based;
  7. Promote the reputation of the school in our broader community.

This year our Catholic Parent Council Members Are:

Adele Voldock- Council President
Maddy Barker- Vice-President
Angela Bates- Treasurer
Janice MacLennan- Secretary
Brittany Hopper
Laura Nash
Amy Power
Jill Hicks

School Council Minutes